Information Security Simulation for Defense Networks (AABGS)
- English
- Türkçe
Information Security Simulation for Defense Networks Project (AABGS) is a feasibility study developed by STM A.Ş., AnelARGE and METU-TAF MODSİMMER for Undersecretariat for Defence Industries. After a 6 months of work, the project has succesfully been completed and its acceptence test was performed in METU-TAF MODSİMMER High Resolution Visualizing Laboratory. Aim of the project is to simulate cyber attack and data transmission and to perform traffic analysis. In line with this purpose, traffic analysis, network enabled capability topology traffic analysis, infrastructure gap analysis, peace and war state analysis,cyber attack and defence systems analysis, what-if scenarios, command control and information systems planning and analysis, and integrated scenarios were implemented.
MODSİMMER contributed to AABGS project with 4 instructors, 2 research assistants and 2 engineers, and carried out 2 work packages. One of these work packages is to review draft feasibility report, final feasibility report and system design report that were created by AnelARGE. The other work package involves developing a visualization software to summarize data at organizational level and to visualize data with graphics. It also involves visualizing simulation analysis. As part of the second work package, High Resolution Visualizing Laboratory was improved.
Output of the project, AABGS product, is still installed in METU-TAF MODSİMMER High Resolution Visualizing Laboratory and it is available for research and development activities.
Project Team and Studies:
- 4 Instructors, 2 research assistants, 2 engineers
- May 2011 - November 2011
- Visualization work package, review work package